
Hands Up! You Fit The Picture

todayOctober 1, 2024 12

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Being Black in America is a crime within itself, and it dates back hundreds of years ago. Consistently we have been tortured, tormented, and abused with physical and mental scrutiny that is ongoing and has not shown any improvement. Once we think there has been some type chess move made in our favor, we get knocked off the board in under 2.5 seconds. Black men specifically have gotten no end of the stick in any situation since they are the main target. Unfortunately, they are pinned to situations because it’s easier to believe “a black man did it”- whatever it was. Is this an issue that’s going to be taken more seriously? *shoulder shrug* Who knows?

The system has been fostered around the number of blacks that can be rounded up and thrown into modern day slavery. Adding to this fire, there are far more men that have been convicted of crimes with known evidence that they are innocent. It’s crazy to even think about the quota that has to be met in order to keep the financial flow of the pockets of “private” investors healthy. Innocent people being sacrificed for the sake of money, sanity, and freedom, while guilty parties remain free. Sounds pretty backwards to me.

Recently on September 24th, Marcellus Williams was executed for a 1998 murdered that he was convicted of in 2001. Forensic evidence showed that his DNA was not present at the scene, yet and still, innocent blood was shed.

With the information that we know, what can we do as a COMMUNITY of people who have suffered for 400+ years to remain WOKE in this world at all times? BLM movement only lasted so long, and people were up for a small amount of time and the wave of distractions started rolling in.

October 2nd is National Wrongful Conviction Day. With the most recent tragedy, WE as the PEOPLE, need to be at the fore front of creating new movements revolving around social justice at all times and not just when it’s a hashtag on social media. Social justice is not a popularity matter, it’s a life matter that needs to be taken more seriously. Being invested in celebrity gossip and whatever else irrelevant negativity there is, is not helping us go forward as people. It’s delaying our cognitive ability to push past the b.s we see daily, so that we can actually focus on issues that truly matter.

If we had more leaders as Dr. MLK Jr, Malcolm X, and Marcus Garvey, then maybe we could stand a chance against the system and beat it. And maybe… just maybe, receive the reparations that are in the stars reach.

Written by: Ray

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